
Showing posts from May, 2020

Money Maker

Yummly Recipe Present You Money Maker Process to upload content :-  First of all fill your NAME. Enter your Recipe Title. Enter required Ingredients List and Quantity. Enter Procedure for making recipe. Enter Your Video Link if available. Make sure it is your own and related to your procedure. Read Terms and Condition and agree with them by clicking on Checkbox. Click on Submit Button. Here your part is Done. Now we will check your content and upload this on Yummly Recipe. It may  10 days. Due to any reason it may take more time. After uploading this we will increase your points. For video content +1; For without video +0.5: For incorrect or Misleading content -1; Process to withdrawl money :-  Click on Rupee Icon. If you have more then 50 points You will be able to withdraw money. You will receive money as indicated. By clicking yes you will go to your email. Send your Email. We will connect with you within 10 days. Due to any reason it m